First Impressions Count…
Go out and stand at the roadside and have a good hard look at your lovely home. This is what potential buyers will make their first and often strongest judgment on the value of your home. Is it at its best? Would a bit of hedge trimming, lawn mowing, garden weeding, water blasting, or a spot of paint go amiss? First impressions last.
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, we often don’t pay much attention to familiar things…. potential buyers do. It’s spring-cleaning time regardless of the time of year. Clean everywhere. Nothing says “I’m a damp house that’s uncared for” than mold in the corners. And keep it clean for the duration of the marketing period.
Make Some Room…
Here is the No.1 Selling Tip we have. Get rid of the clutter! Whether it is rarely used toys, boxes of winter clothes, or furniture you can’t bring yourself to throw away, get it out. Hire a storage unit or ask family or friends if you could store some stuff at their places while you sell. A home full of stuff you have to navigate around says “tiny” to a buyer. The more room you can create while still looking homely and comfortable will scream “big”, “open” and “spacious”. Clear tables, benches, and dressers of everything except a couple of stylish knick-knacks or ornaments.
Sort through and clear out cupboards and storage areas. It will look like you have twice the amount of storage space.
Little Jobs…
Attend to all the little things you have been meaning to get around to all that time. The broken door handle, the window that won’t shut, the cracked window. That bit of peeling paint. Some buyers will see things like this as a sign of poor maintenance and start to wonder what else may be wrong that you can’t see.
Not so few jobs need some thought. Is it worth repainting the ceilings, extending the deck, replacing the rotten window sill, installing an outside light? Would one coat of paint on the living area walls cover up a thousand little nicks and scuffs and make it look brand new? If in doubt ask your agent, they will know exactly what is worth the investment of your time, energy and money and what isn’t. Use their expertise.
Don’t Take It Personally…
Take a moment and step into the shoes of the potential buyers. You want them to be able to imagine themselves and their family feeling right at home in your house. It’s easier for someone to do that if they aren’t constantly reminded everywhere they look that it isn’t their home. Personal photos, kids’ artwork in the living areas, certificates for coming 3rd in the discus ten years ago… slip them away out of sight. Take some of your personality out of the house so the buyer can imagine some of theirs coming in.